Supporting families when it counts

The Chorus Approach

When young children face adverse experiences, they and their families often have to wait several years for the help they need. We formed Chorus to do things differently. We provide support for under 5s and their parents when it’s needed, strengthening their capacity to navigate family life, now and in the future.

  • Clinical Expertise

    We are psychoanalytically-trained child psychotherapists with over 20 years’ experience of working with families facing a range of mental health difficulties.

  • Therapeutic Groups

    Our therapeutic groups bring together families with very young children who are facing similar challenges to provide timely, preventive and sustainable support.

  • Building Capacities

    Through nurturing the crucial early relationships between parents and children, we support families as they develop their own capacities for change.

  • Sustainable Support

    Each group creates a sustainable peer support network, so the help continues long after the group ends.

  • "We have been working with therapists from Chorus for several years and we have found their work to be of a very high standard. We have had consistently good feedback from all of our families who have been offered support by them and they are a pleasure to work with from a professional perspective as well."

    Social Work Manager, Adopt London South

  • "A great opportunity to meet others in a similar place and get to share our experiences, challenges, joys. The team were lovely and very sensitive to the children’s needs."

    Parent who attended the Adoption Parent-Toddler Group

  • "The team is very knowledgeable about the under 5 age group and recognise the importance of those early years and how they impact later life. No challenge has been too great for them and they are always willing to work creatively with us to meet our family’s needs. I have no hesitation in recommending Chorus to other families or agencies."

    Social Work Manager, Adopt London South

  • "The staff were just wonderful, so helpful and insightful and kind."

    Parent who attended the Adoption Parent-Todler Group

  • "I wish that all adopted children could get to do this group."

    Parent who attended the Adoption Parent-Toddler Group

Welcome to Chorus

  • Who we are

    Early Years work is our passion and our specialism. We are psychoanalytically trained child psychotherapists who have worked for over 20 years in local authority, NHS and the charity sector, with families facing a range of mental health difficulties and challenging social circumstances.

  • What we do

    Working with existing agencies who would like to provide specialist mental health support to parents and young children, Chorus provides therapeutic groups for families with very young children experiencing adverse life events, to help improve later outcomes for the whole family.

  • How we do it

    Families are the centre of our work. Our groups are run by skilled professionals, but the ‘experts’ are the families who take part in them. Our approach strengthens relationships within and between families, and enables parents and children to grow their own capacities, providing support which is preventive and sustainable.